
Best Local Co Op Games On Xbox 360
best local co op games on xbox 360

Best Local Co Op Games On Xbox 360 Full Price Was

Full price was 59.99 59.99 Now 53.99 53.99 + with EA Play. I find co-op games extremely fun when I’m looking for a non competitive game session.Top paid Games Xbox Xbox Live Local co-op Showing 1 - 90 of 144 results FIFA 22 Xbox One. I have played lots of co-op games with friends both locally and via Xbox live. I have used games as series to stop myself repeating a game from the same series multiple times. This list is my opinion of the top Co-op games on the Xbox 360 based on my experience.

Supports four players simultaneously!Abyss Odyssey is a strange and beautiful cooperative procedurally-generated metroid-vania thing. N+ is similar, but simpler yet I think it's really a better game in its elegant frustratingness. You'll find all of the features available including online, couch, and split-screen play, whether the game has a cooperative campaign or. Splosion Man are good co-op puzzle-platformers.This page contains a list of co-op games for the Xbox 360. Killing Floor: PC: FPS: 2009 6 LAN, Online Full NoSplosion Man and Ms. 59.99 +Xbox Live Arcade and Xbox Live Indie Games!Requires a 360 controller for PC co-op Kane & Lynch: Dog Days: PC / PS3 / XB360: TPS: 2010 2 Local Split No Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes: PC, Xbox One, PS4, Switch, Android, iOS: Puzzle: 2015 2 Local, Online Full N/A This game was designed specifically for co-op play.

...best local co op games on xbox 360

Explosionade and Alpha Squad are also good co-op indie games.Terraria supports 4 player simultaneous co-op on the 360, and I hope I don't have to tell you how good that is! (If you haven't played Terraria, what are you doing reading this?! Go, go!)Of course, the co-op game to end all co-op games - and all friendships - is Spelunky. In that genre, I recommend Renegade Ops, which looks amazing and plays just as well, and the Radiangames series (Ballistic, Crossfire/Crossfire 2, Fireball, Inferno, Fluid, and JoyJoy), which are only $1 each on Xbox Live Indie Games!Speaking of XLBIG, Zombies & Pterodactyls 2010 (generally called ZP2KX) is AMAZING and everyone should play it.

best local co op games on xbox 360